transparent, easy to read: it is important that the employer can immediately find the details they are looking for in the CV/cover letter.
short: cover letters longer than 1-2 pages are reluctant to be read by prospective employers. (maximum 1 page)
factual: it is important to emphasize the essence, the facts; no need to write a novel!
typewritten: the cover letter is more transparent with the help of a computer text editor. It may happen that they ask for a handwritten cover letter, the purpose of which is usually to create a profile of the applicant. In these cases too, we should attach a typewritten cover letter so that the appraisers can do their work more easily.
perfect: spelling is very important (especially names), so it's worth reading it several times before we hand it out!
Do not mention our payment request in the cover letter!
The cover letter must include:
Who do we send the CV to?
What job do you want to apply for, where did you find the job advertisement (e.g. in which newspaper),
Why are you interested in the given position?
Let us indicate how we meet the conditions indicated in the call for tenders based on our knowledge, skills and experience.